Good Morning Brilliant and Excellent People,
I look forward to sharing with you Brilliant and Excellent tips for attaining your goals and fulfilling your Purpose. Today, we will be looking at channeling and raising your energy.
According to Stuart Wilde, He said " The Key to success is to raise your own energy. When you do, people will be attracted to you and when they show up, bill them.
One of the lesson we need to learn to be successful is to avoid wasting our pain and channeling our energy wisely.
Everything we do requires energy, from our thoughts to our actions. We need to be deliberate on the use of our energy and channel them positively for us to attract our desired state.
Another lesson is to learn to love yourself passionately. When you love yourself, you can invest in yourself and when you invest in yourself , you can market yourself for people to get attracted to you. Let your vision determine how you channel your energy. Your vision and goals should determine your hobbies, dressing, friends, diet, sports, beliefs and many other things.
Decide today to raise your energy and ensure you also make proper use of it.
Have a great week ahead.
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