The BPE Power

The BPE Power
To your Brilliance, Purpose & Excellence

Monday, 28 August 2017

Self Motivation

Good Morning Brilliant and Excellent People,

I look forward to sharing with you Brilliant and Excellent tips for attaining your goals and fulfilling your Purpose.  Today, we will be looking at self-motivation.

I was going through some documents in my study room over the weekend when I noticed some examination question papers and lecture notes which belongs to my mum. I noticed the dates in these documents and I discovered that she decided to write another West African Senior Secondary School Examination (WASSCE) at the age of 49 while trying to switch job.

I discovered that she had the quest of achieving more in her life time and she was motivated by herself at every time to try something new.  Anyway I was wondering where I got the same self-motivation from but this answered my question.
Image result for self motivation
The business dictionary defined self-motivation as the ability to do what needs to be done, without influence from other people or situations. People with self-motivation can find a reason and strength to complete a task, even when challenging, without giving up or needing another to encourage them.

Image result for self motivationA periodic audit of your achievements compared to your goals and determination to attain success brings about self-motivation and the ability to do what needs to be done without influence or encouragement from other people.

Decide today to be self-motivated and stop blaming others for your present situation.

Have a great week ahead

Monday, 21 August 2017

Raise your energy

Good Morning Brilliant and Excellent People,

I look forward to sharing with you Brilliant and Excellent tips for attaining your goals and fulfilling your Purpose.  Today, we will be looking at channeling and  raising your energy.

According to Stuart Wilde,  He said  " The Key to success is to raise your own energy. When you do, people will be attracted to you and when they show up, bill them. 

One of the lesson we need to learn to be successful is to avoid wasting our pain and channeling our energy wisely.

Everything we do requires energy, from our thoughts to our actions. We need to be deliberate on the use of our energy and channel them positively for us to attract our desired state.

Image result for raise your energyAnother lesson is to learn to love yourself passionately. When you love yourself, you can invest in yourself and when you invest in yourself , you can market yourself for people to get attracted to you. Let your vision determine how you channel your energy. Your vision and goals should determine your hobbies, dressing, friends, diet, sports, beliefs and many other things.

Decide today to raise your energy and ensure you also make proper use of it.

Have a great week ahead.

Monday, 14 August 2017

Growth and Responsibilities

Good Morning Brilliant and Excellent People,

I look forward to sharing with you Brilliant and Excellent tips for attaining your goals and fulfilling your Purpose.  Today, we will discuss about growth and responsibilities.

We cannot assign responsibilities without examining growth level and capacity. 

When dealing with our children, we give much assistance to those at the tender age while we do not have to worry always about the older ones. We assign responsibilities to the older ones while we assist the younger ones with the same task.

Image result for growth and  life responsibilitiesCertain responsibilities interlinks with a certain growth level. You would not be expected to drive at the age of 5 no matter the urgency or situation. 

While growing up, when I realized that there was much expectation from me at every new age, I got practical and took advantage of every opportunity life presented to be available. In some cases, extend generosity and assist to others no matter how mundane.

At a point, I paid my bills, looked after my parents and other obligations as they came. I discovered that at every time I accept responsibilities, I become more responsible and respected and my fears eroded.

Surprisingly, I found I could cultivate the traits I desired through service to others, shared deeper relationships with others, built self-esteem and respect.

I never attributed my problems to anyone or the environment, rather I took responsibilities.

Acording to Sophocles “A sign of wisdom and maturity is when you come to terms with the realization that your decisions cause your rewards and consequences. You are responsible for your life, and your ultimate success depends on the choices you make.”

Image result for growth and  life responsibilitiesMeasuring your growth level to your responsibilities helps you stop relying on external validation like praise from other people to feel good about yourself. Instead you start building your growth capacity and get the permission to live the life you want.
When you master this act, Taking action and decision becomes natural and you can fulfil your purpose.

Decide this week to take responsibility of your life.

Have a great week.

Monday, 7 August 2017

Do something new today

Good Morning Brilliant and Excellent People,

I look forward to sharing with you Brilliant and Excellent tips for attaining your goals in little or no time. Today, I like to encourage you to try something new always, either planned or unplanned.

Image result for try something new quotesFollowing a routine can be very boring and can drain innovations and our creative abilities.

To stay excited and add some flavor into your life, you need to try something new periodically and learn new things. It might appear risky or difficult but you will get over the initial reservations in little time.

Remember that If things are still under control, then it's either you are not fast enough or you are not handling the right task to match your capabilities.

Do something scary everyday  by taking new decisions and setting new goals which will encourage you to attain more.