I look forward to sharing with you Brilliant and Excellent tips for attaining your goals, fulfilling your Purpose and making the world a better place.
I have been on the football pitch as a referee and as a player and discovered that both individuals do run around for the same number of minutes covering different distances on different missions. As a player, the strength required to deliver on the pitch is quite different from that which is required of the referee.
Your mission may change for several reasons in several seasons but you must be able to identify these changes to enable you strategize.
Our quest in life is to identify our purpose and live in alignment with it. It is important to know that we can only attain long term accomplishment and success when we identify our purpose. Several opportunities comes to us in life but we must be careful to only embrace those that seem like It’s taking in what may seem like random favourites and transforming them into something while achieving our purpose.
I didn’t have a semblance of a clue of my purpose till my late 20s despite several efforts in figuring it out and like many of us, we keep deceiving the world including ourselves acting like we have a clue. I kept maximizing opportunities that came around with no pointer to the particular one to invest my time and energy. Though I am glad I had all those adventures.
One of the ways to identify these opportunities is by creating a synergy between your passion and your actions. Reading, observing and meditating is also a pointer to identifying your purpose. This makes you seek deep answers to your thoughts and question your assumptions.
For more details, you can contact the BPE team @ www.solomonempire.com or download BPE tool app on google play store.
To be a member of the BPE team of Solomon’s Empire, kindly send a mail to bpe@solomonempire.com
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