The BPE Power

The BPE Power
To your Brilliance, Purpose & Excellence

Monday, 16 July 2018

Attitude towards Set Goals- RUSSIA 2018

Good Morning Brilliant and Excellent People,

I look forward to sharing with you Brilliant and Excellent tips for attaining your goals and fulfilling your Purpose.

We all have dreams and goals we want to achieve, some of us even already have plans for these goals, but the question is, what kind of preparation, effort and attitude do we have towards  achieving these goals?

The just concluded FIFA world cup tournament clearly explains it all! The players and their effort towards one goal ; The world cup. This competition which comes up every four years! Other football competition like the Premier League and host of others is held every year hence the attitude, effort and preparation  towards achieving the goal may be quite different. 
In other competitions, we think of the number of games to be played, probability and computation comes into the scene, and lastly complacency of repeating the same league over and over. The world cup  is different. All the players get to break records, make a name and finally win the cup for their country only once in four years therefore effort is maximized. This is evidenced by the quality of games played, penalties given and warning cards issued.

Also the attitude of students preparing for a class quiz, or mock exam will be totally different from that of the Final Examination.    These are also two distinct goals to be achieved; one bigger, the other smaller. The effort the student makes in preparing for the examination will definitely be greater than that of the class quiz. Take note: two goals, different efforts.

Now, in between setting and achieving a goal comes effort and attitude, preparation and ability to take risk . The level of your input will determine our achievements. An effort is literally a vigorous or determined attempt towards achieving a goal. Scientifically speaking, the effort towards a goal is directly proportional  to the achievement of such goal.   this simply means that the bigger the goal, the bigger the effort and vice versa.
Maybe, that goal that seems impossible or difficult to achieve just needs a harder effort, a little more push, a stronger determination. Nothing is impossible if you put a little more effort. With the right effort or more, we can achieve our goals.

If goals and effort are proportional, it means that the result you are generating right now is as a result of the effort you are putting into achieving your goals. Many people take the step to write down what their goals are but they fail to take the necessary action to fulfill that goal. Taking extra effort may be stressful because it stretches you out of your comfort zone but the yields can be satisfying.

1.     Know what you want to achieve
2.     Write your goals down
3.     Identify the steps it will take to reach that goal
4.     Put in the required effort to achieve your goal, one step at a time
5.     Celebrate your successes and reach for higher goals

“Make each day count by setting specific goals to succeed, then putting forth every effort to exceed your own expectations.” Les Brown

Determine today to raise your level of preparation, determination and attitude towards your set goals.

or more details, you can contact the BPE team @ or download BPE tool app on google play store.

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