The BPE Power

The BPE Power
To your Brilliance, Purpose & Excellence

Monday, 26 March 2018

Values and Self Worth

Good Morning Brilliant and Excellent People,

I look forward to sharing with you Brilliant and Excellent tips for attaining your goals and fulfilling your Purpose.

Some weeks ago, we discussed how you can place value on your skills and the ways to achieving it. Similar to same article, this week, we will examine what values we have placed on ourselves and how these values influence the quality of our lives.

Again, Value is defined as “the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.” Value can also be referred to as worth, merit, importance, or quality of a thing or person. Value is also measureable, which means that if you can measure it, you appreciate it more.
Let’s start with an example that is easy to relate with, some years ago, I purchased a new car, because of the price I paid for the car, I placed so much value on it and I instructed my driver not to leave the car outside the garage or just anywhere for any reason. One day, he parked the car in the compound, without parking it in the appropriate place- that is the garage. He almost got fired that day for that mistake. This same car today, I can afford to park it just anywhere, as long as it’s safe though, and not necessarily in my garage.
The value I placed on the car at purchase cannot be compared to the value I have placed on it now. Why? A number of factors comes to mind, length of use, maintenance of the car, how much more cars I can now afford to buy, how many new model has been created and a host of reasons.
But what happens if the car is one in a million, it is continually a new model, every other car cannot beat the model, it is always the latest and no manufacturer has been able to do something to beat it. In this case, the car would never lose value, Right? And the owner of such car would never have to rethink the option of parking it in a garage and treating it like a queen.

The idea behind this analogy is powerful. Humans are ‘doing’ being, we are constantly doing something, which in many situation beats certain records earlier set. For example on 29 May 1953, Edmund Hillary was the first person to climb Mount Everest. At the time, it was probably the greatest achievement no one could surmount. But we see that in 2010, May 22, a 13 years old boy, Jordan Romero climbed the same mountain. He is recorded as the youngest person to ever climb Mount Everest.
Never think of yourself as being at the height of your career, as being there and need no improvement. The greatest way to stay relevant and be valued is to be committed to yourself. Being committed to yourself involves Investing in yourself in such a way that you are a ‘do-without’ wherever you find yourself. So many people do not value their personality. The first step is to love yourself, then you can invest in yourself.
We also need to engage in different activities that will keep increasing the value we place on ourselves. The kind of network we keep depends on the value we have placed on ourselves. The kind of our diet, appearance, and decision is as a result of the value we have placed on ourselves.

It is not too late to determine your worth and place a value on same.

For more details, you can contact the BPE team @ or download BPE tool app on google play store.

Monday, 19 March 2018

Careful or Fearful

Good Morning Brilliant and Excellent People,

I look forward to sharing with you Brilliant and Excellent tips for attaining your goals and fulfilling your Purpose.

Let us take a moment to think through the following five contracts .

Careful is cerebral; fearful is emotional
Careful is fueled by information; fearful is fueled by imagination
Careful calculates risk; fearful avoids risk
Careful wants to achieve success; fearful wants to avoid failure
Careful is concerned about progress; fearful is concerned about protection

Every time i listen to leaders share their stories, I notice the element of courage  more than the stories of strategic and goal planning. We need to understand the unique roles of confidence and caution.  While we are careful and observant to identify opportunities, lack of courage hinders us from taking the first step and making decisions.

This week, we need to develop the courage to dream and  the courage to face current reality.

Decide today to dream big, and build the courage to act on your dreams.

For more details, you can contact the BPE team @ or download BPE tool app on google play store.

Monday, 12 March 2018

Caution Fees

Good Morning Brilliant and Excellent People,

I look forward to sharing with you Brilliant and Excellent tips for attaining your goals and fulfilling your Purpose.

Consciously or unconsciously, we engage in several little acts every minutes. These acts are the determinant of our public image or perception of people about us.
In as much as we all want to take right decisions and control our actions, the probability of keeping them 100% positive is unrealistic as we have not seen any perfect being till date.

However, we can keep most of our actions positive by setting guards within our environment. Permit me to call these guards “caution fee”.

Like I mentioned last week, we will be looking at these caution fees and the activation of it. What is a caution fee? A caution fee is money deposited as security for good conduct. Caution fee is mostly paid when getting a new apartment and in some cases by college students. Paying caution fee says if by the end of my tenancy contract, any of the property met in good condition is damaged, the money should not be returned. Therefore, in order to get your ‘caution fee’ money back, you need to ensure that whatever it is you are using on contract has to be left in good condition.

What is the implication of ‘caution fee’ on public perception?
Technically speaking, we pay caution fee to keep us on our guards, to ensure that properties are left undamaged, especially in cases where the caution fee is exceptionally expensive, we try to get our money back. Right? Right. In the same way, in life, we can set ‘cautions’ all around you to keep you in check, to help you never to lose yourself. I like to call these cautions ‘Guards’ or ‘Protectors’. Let me give an example before we go into what the ‘Guards’ are.

I had a boss who told me this story on time, he said after he became the Managing Director of the company where he works presently, he realised that there was the sudden tendency to be laid back especially in the area of not coming to work daily or early as the case may be. What did he do? He hired the outgoing CEO’s driver. He realised that by doing this, he was putting himself on his toes. How? The CEO’s driver and the CEO himself were good friends, they talk a lot and sometimes, the CEO gets his feedback from his driver. By hiring the CEO’s driver, it meant, the CEO has direct information on his activities whenever he needed them and whenever feedback are required from this young man, the young man would have nothing short of positive remarks to give. In order words, the CEO’s driver was one of  his caution or his guard in this case.

What are some of the guards you can set for yourself to keep you at optimum performance? People. Yes, people are the most popular and reliable caution that can be put in place.
  • ·                   People you regard
  • ·         People who regard you i.e. people who look up to you and you do not want to disappoint them.

In essence, by surrounding yourself with people you can be accountable to or are accountable to you, you put yourself in a position where you are constantly aware of your actions and inaction and how they impact the people around you and their perception of you.

Decide today to place some guards around you that helps you check your excesses or are always there to call you to order when required.

For more details, you can contact the BPE team @ or download BPE tool app on google play store.

Monday, 5 March 2018

People's Perception of You

Good Morning Brilliant and Excellent People,

I look forward to sharing with you Brilliant and Excellent tips for attaining your goals and fulfilling your Purpose.

I remember a social event I attended once. I was to meet a sort of public figure in that event and it excited me and even encouraged me to go. Upon getting to the event, it didn’t take me 30 minute to realise that I may have been wrong in my judgement of this person. 

We did interact but for the most part I observed. And here are what I saw:
  • ·        She spent most time talking about how great she was,
  • ·        She spent time talking about everybody’s faults and shortcomings,
  • ·        We spent the remaining little time still talking about how great she really was.

I came out of that meeting feeling like she must be a goddess, but most importantly, I felt discouraged. I felt she must be really good in what she does and the rest of us could never really measure up. Finally, I felt like it didn’t matter what I did, I could never be as good as she is. As a result, the only word I could think of when asked what I thought of her was that she was Proud.

A few people did try to change my mind afterwards, but I had a perception of her already and I just couldn’t see the good side these other people were pointing out to me.

Everything we do says something about us. Your actions are your brand, so are your words. The things you do consciously or unconsciously paints a picture of you to the rest of world.

Here is a vivid example, something I know we probably can relate with a lot better. How many times have you read a tweet written by a complete stranger and after reading the tweet you followed the person? Probably a lot more than you can count. Now, let me ask you again, How many times have you read a tweet by someone you are currently following, you read it, you felt so irritated or upset and you clicked the ‘unfollow’ button?

While a lot of it may have to do with your emotions, you have to agree more of it have to with perception. The minute you read a tweet, you are analysing, you are thinking, what kind of person is this? At the same time you are saying to yourself, this pattern of words show a thoughtful person, or a thoughtless person as the case may be. After reading a list of tweet by one person, you may even be able to say, this person is a reader or a traveler, a diplomatic person or a shy person.

In other words, without being seen at all, people can form their own idea of the kind of person you are just from the kind of conversations you are having either online or offline. People know almost 40% about us from listening to what we say, about ourselves, about other people and about the situations in our life.

Interestingly, people will relate with you based on their perception of you. You may ask, how do I know what I am perceived as? People may not always tell you how they feel about you, but they always show it. If you pay attention, you find out. 

However, we all have the power to change people’s perception of us. In the next write up, where we’ll do an extension of this write up, we’ll discuss:

  •            What is your caution fee in public branding?
  • ·        How to use perception to your advantage
  • ·        The importance of paying attention
  • ·        The power to change people’s perception about you.

  • For more details, you can contact the BPE team @ or download BPE tool app on google play store.