The BPE Power

The BPE Power
To your Brilliance, Purpose & Excellence

Monday, 29 January 2018

What Keeps You Going?

Good Morning Brilliant and Excellent People,

I look forward to sharing with you Brilliant and Excellent tips for attaining your goals and fulfilling your Purpose.

In today’s write up, we’ll examine the different things that keeps a man striving towards his goals when everything around him says Quit. We’ll look at several reasons people are committed  to their goals, and what the ultimate motivator should be.

To keep going is to make (someone) able to continue doing something at a difficult time. In life, I have personally realised that when you don’t have a strong reason to stand for a goal, you’ll quit on everything. You’ll never have a stable job, stable finances, a stable family or stable relationships, because you haven’t grasped a strong motivator to want more out of life.

Where are you going?
We can’t begin to talk about what keeps you going when you haven’t answered the question, where are you going? What is your goal? What do you want to achieve out of life? What legacy do you want to lay down? It is when you begin to ask these questions and find genuine answers to them that we can actually begin to understand purpose.

Unfortunately, many have regimented their life based on other people’s opinion. They are going where other people think or expect them to go. They build their goals, their family, their vision based on what the society says or what the people around them think.

Your success is entirely dependent on you and the future can only be great for people who have first created it in their minds, as a result, the question of where you are going is one that only you can find answer to.

Your motivator
Your motivator is that one thing, such that, in the face of struggle and difficulty, when you think about it, it renews your determination to achieve your goals. Some of us need to take out time and just think for a moment, what is my motivator? Why have I come this far? What fuels my passion?

The answer to that question will no doubt vary for many people. Many people’s ideal list will look like this:
1.     Family background: I need to make my parents proud
2.     To prove other people wrong and show people that I can make it
3.     I want to be a young millionaire
4.     Poverty: I want to be richer than my father and etcetera

These motivators are good reasons and in some cases important but they are not enough to keep you moving towards your goal. In time, your family will be proud and then you’re not fulfilled, other people will forget that they even challenged you once and the society will evolve into other trends.

The greatest motivator is Purpose. Purpose is defined as the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. It is also defined as a person’s sense of resolve or determination.
People like Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, Obafemi Awolowo and the likes had their goals and ambitions and when the difficulty arose, they were able to persevere and keep going on regardless because they understood purpose.

When your destination is motivated by purpose, it doesn’t matter how difficult it may be, you won’t quit until you achieve it. Purpose is an underlying magnet that keeps our life in order, it gives us focus.

Today’s Activity.
Examine and decide what motivates you and keeps you going. Make this motivator a tool to your short term goals
Define your purpose ( you can contact the BPE team for help) then make this your long term/life motivator.

Have a brilliant week.

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