The BPE Power

The BPE Power
To your Brilliance, Purpose & Excellence

Monday, 20 November 2017

Ultimate Satisfaction of Success

Good Morning Brilliant and Excellent People,

I look forward to sharing with you Brilliant and Excellent tips for attaining your goals and fulfilling your Purpose.

This week, i will share a thought on the ultimate satisfaction of success.

Success means different things to different people, according to their values and belief system. It is very true that people who believe in their physical status look to their material wealth as equal to success, likewise people who believe in education look to their acquired degrees as equal to success. And values range from ideals to ideals, for example, some value their appearance and so go the extra mile to look good at the expense of their income, for others, whose belief system is rooted in what others think of them, they lose their identity and do as told.

When we define success as comfort, we focus on the money. When we define success as achievements, we focus on the acquired properties. When we define success as being known, we focus on the fame. The bottom line is that our definition of success grossly influence what we focus on and what we focus on is an important predictor of your future success.

The satisfaction that comes with having been successful does not come in the show of it. If you find a man who displays his success by indulging in addictions of any kind, you have found a man whose values are skewed. In a few years’ time, his perceived success will ruin him and he will watch it all drain away.The satisfaction comes when you invest in people. How do I know this? Because that is the only way we will have a multiplication effect. No matter how accomplished you are, truth is, someone somewhere invested in you. They invested time, money, words, opportunities and trust. And when they did it, they had no idea how accomplished you will become. They multiplied themselves.

Here are five things you should always keep in mind:
Don’t lose focus: the level of your success is determined by your focus. Focus enables you to articulate your thoughts and bring them together in a creative idea.
    Never stop investing in people: investing in people brings about a multiplication effect, in which your success never stops flowing.
   Define your values: Values are stable long-lasting beliefs about what is important to a person. Values are the standards by which people live their lives and make important decision. We learn values from the society and from experiences, but when your values are upright, you live a more satisfying life doing the things that you believe in.
  Don’t lose sight of the goal: the dictionary definition of success is the accomplishment of a goal or purpose. But on your way to accomplishment, don’t forget where you are going to and where you are coming from. A measure of success can be intoxicating and make you believe that you have fully achieved all your highest potential. No, you haven’t! Set new goals and never lose sight of it until it is achieved.
   Success is a journey that does not end: this statement makes sense when you think of success not as something you have to own or a status you have to acclaim, but as a continuous journey to be better and do better in every circumstances.

   Do have a great week 

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