The BPE Power

The BPE Power
To your Brilliance, Purpose & Excellence

Sunday, 1 October 2017

God Bless Nigeria

Good Morning Brilliant and Excellent People,

I look forward to sharing with you Brilliant and Excellent tips for attaining your goals and fulfilling your Purpose.

The sound of the band and the trumpet from the police band caught my attention on one of my visit to the police college in my country Nigeria.

Image result for nigeria flagI could see the passion and commitment from these promising youth who were contributing their own efforts to the development and growth of my nation.

Image result for nigeria flagEvery little act, every minute spent, every words uttered, every event and every knowledge impacted has an effect on the growth of our great Nation Nigeria.

Every of our daily and individual action is a cause which produces effect on both our individual lives and the country as a whole.

Image result for nigeria flagLet us individually contribute positively to the growth and development of our country Nigeria.  It is not only about our leaders, we also have our parts to play.

Lets us continually make our pledge to our country Nigeria, to be faithful, loyal and honest. To serve Nigeria with all our strength. To defend her unity uphold her honour and glory. 

Happy Independence Nigeria!! 

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