The problem for most of us is that confidence, the very thing we need the most is in short supply.
Our self assurance and esteem has come under several attack as a result of the reeling economy, layoffs, cancelled contracts, failure, the list goes on....
You need to live a life of boldness and confidence so you don't diminish in Value.
You need to believe in your own merit regardless of the flaws you may have or challenges you face. When you believe in your innate brilliance, you will find the confidence to take action.
Confidence comes from believing in your own self worth. its is living out loud.
It is the voice that that says " I can, I shall, I will" confidence is the ability to go in your own direction instead of following the crowd. Confidence is your own quiet power and without it, there is no ignition, and no dream can come true and there is no better tomorrow.
Confidence comes from hours and days and weeks of constant work and dedication.
Its never too ate to believe in your self.
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